Research is also tracked on ResearchGate, Google Scholar, Scopus, and ETH Research-Collection.
Books / Monographs
Wälty, Sibylle (2024). Haushälterische Bodennutzung vollziehen. Park Books. Zurich.
Wälty, Sibylle (2020). Implementing Parsimonious Land Use: Basic analysis and decisive changes for Switzerland. ETH Zurich. DOI: 10.3929/ethz-b-000418417. ETH Research Collection.
Refereed Journal Articles
Herdt, Tanja, Sibylle, Wälty (submitted). Sustainable Development in Swiss Urban Transformation: Past Models, Current Policies, and Future Prospects by the Example of the city of Zurichs’ Aussershil
Silberberger, Jan, Sibylle, Wälty (submmitted). Governmental Timidity: Contrasting Planning and Design Strategies in Oberstadt+ and the In-Depth Study Oberstadt
Wälty, Sibylle (2021). How to achieve parsimonious urban land use: The case of Greater Zurich. European Planning Studies. DOI: 10.1080/09654313.2021.1948973. ETH Research Collection.
Wälty, Sibylle (2021). Greater Zurich does not use land parsimoniously: despite the spatial planning act, which has been in force since 1980. Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability. 14 (1). 58-74.. DOI: 10.1080/17549175.2020.1762707. ETH Research Collection.
Lüdi, Miriam, Sibylle, Wälty (2020). Vollzug der haushälterischen Bodennutzung in der Schweiz. disP - The Planning Review, 56 (1). 32-43 . DOI: 10.1080/02513625.2020.1756626. ETH Research Collection.
Book Contributions
S AM Schweizerisches Architekturmuseum Andreas Kofler, Andreas Ruby (Hg.) (2023) Was wäre wenn/What if Ungebaute Architektur in der Schweiz/Unbuilt Architecture in Switzerland (Exhibition Catalogue). Basel: Christoph Merian Verlag with DAM Architectural Book Award 2024
Diener, Roger, et al.. (2005). Die Schweiz ein städtebauliches Portrait. Ort: Birkhäuser.
Koolhaas, Rem. (2004). Content. 541. Cologne: Taschen Verlag.
The Office of Dean Tschumi, Bernhard. (2004). abstract 02-03. 63. New York: Columbia GSAPP.
Angélil, Marc. (2003). Inchoate, an experiment in architectural education. 154, 155, 181, 373. Zurich: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology.
D-ARCH. (2002). Yearbook 85. Zurich: ETH Zurich gta Verlag.
Engeli, Maja. (2001). Bits and Spaces: CAAD for Physical, Virtual and Hybrid Architecture at ETH Zurich 95, 99. Zurich: Birkhäuser.
Jenny, Peter. (2000). Bildkonzepte 308, 309. Zurich: Vdf Hochschulverlag AG.
D-ARCH (2000), Yearbook (n.a.). ETH Zurich gta Verlag.
D-ARCH (1998), Yearbook 10, 17. ETH Zurich gta Verlag.
Conference Proceedings
Peric Momcilovic, Ana, De Blust, Seppe, Jiang, Yingying, Guariento, Nicolo, Wälty, Sibylle. (2022) Urban Strategies for Dense and Green Zurich: From Healthy Neighbourhoods towards Healthy Communities?, 58th ISOCARP World Planning Congress, Brussels, Belgium, October 3-7, 2022 ETH Resarch Collection
Wälty, Sibylle (2018). Based on the analysis of ten essential elements: Does Greater Zurich provide Healthy, 10-Minute Neighborhoods? 55th IMCL Conference on Healthy. 10-Minute Neighborhood. Mai 14-18 Ottawa. Canada. DOI: 10.3929/ethz-b-000304251. ETH Research Collection.
Manuscripts in Preparation
Sibylle, Wälty, Leonie, Pock (in preparation) Towards Sustainable Urban Transformation: A Case Study of Densification and Greening in the 10-Minute-Neighbourhood Lindenplatz in the Altstetten-Albisrieden Quarters of Zurich
Working Papers
Silberberger, Jan, Sibylle, Wälty (2022) 4D-Geodesigning Oberstadt+: Urban design as methodical inscription of knowledge, ETH Zurich.
Wälty, Sibylle (2020). Land use regulations for parsimonious land use: By the example of the city of Zurich. Working Paper, ETH Zurich.
Wälty, Sibylle (2018). Badener – was wollt ihr? Mehr Mobilität? Mehr Nachbarschaft? Working Paper, ETH Zurich. ETH Research Collection.
Web-based Publications
Guest Articles in Blogs (2024) Stadtplanung für die Zukunft: Herausforderungen im Blick, 17. Mai 2024
Stiftung Habitat (2023) Das Konzept der 10-Minuten-Nachbarschaften als Ausgangspunkt für den politischen Aushandlungsprozess
ETH Zukunftsblog (2022) "If you work in Zurich, you should be able to live there – but where exactly?", ETH Zukunfsblog ETH Zurich
ETH Zukunftsblog (2022) "Wer in Zürich arbeitet, soll hier wohnen können – doch wo genau?", ETH Zukunfsblog ETH Zurich
ETH Zukunftsblog (2022) "Walking to net zero", ETH Zukunfsblog ETH Zurich
ETH Zukunftsblog (2022) "Zu Fuss zu Netto-Null", ETH Zukunfsblog ETH Zurich
Articles in own Blogs
linkedin (since 2021)
sibyllewaelty (since 2021)
researchier (2014-2021)
Other Publications
Guest Contributions
Österreichischer Verband gemeinnütziger Bauvereinigungen - Revisionsverband (2023) Plädoyer für mehr „10-Minuten-Nachbarschaften“. AUSGABE # 03 / 2023 October 17 2023 Eine Siedlungsstruktur für Netto-Null August 11 2022 - Gastbeitrag
Aargauer Kulturmagazin (2018) Wachstum oder Wildwuchs. (14). 14.